Teamwork starts with the right attitude. Good team players help there teammates to grow and become better. When a person has difficulty accomplishing a task, instead of laughing at them, a good team player will help them and show them how to succeed. The Youth Division is one huge team. Older members should help younger members even if they are not part of your team or platoon. We help each other. We are all one team. We are all one.

The saying goes, ‘You are only as strong as you weakest member’. If this is true, then logically teams should help their weakest member become stronger and better. Selfish people want to leave behind team members that cannot keep up. At The Youth Division, we want to be unselfish. Enjoy helping others. You get a good feeling inside when you help someone succeed at something they are having a difficult time with.

A team is a group that comes together to achieve a common goal. Sometimes members of a team perform different tasks in order to achieve a common goal.

Great teams are highly motivated, communicate well, are of the same mind, share the same vision, able to adapt, organized, and prepared.